22447 Environmental Studies MCQ with Answers Unit no.1 | MSBTE

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1. Abiotic environment does not include

a) air

b) water

c) soil

d) Plants

Ans: d

2. Chief source of energy in environment is ......

a) Sun

b) Fire

c) Moon

d) Stars

Ans: a

3. Energy is returned to the atmosphere in the form of

a) potential energy

b) metabolic energy

c) heat

d) vapours

Ans: c

4. Which of the following is the example of impact of development activities on Hydrosphere?

a) Air Pollution

b) Soil Pollution

c) Noise Pollution

d) Water Pollution

Ans: d

5. Zone consisting air, water and soil is known as....

a) Atmosphere

b) Hydrosphere

c) Biosphere

d) Lithosphere


6. Formation of Ozone is?

a) Oxidation Reaction

b) Reduction Reaction

c) Photochemical Reaction

d) None of the above

Ans: c

7. One of the following is not a type of environment.
a) Physical environment

b) Man-made environment

c) Social environment

d) Hydrosphere

Ans: d

8. Social Environment includes ...

a) Traditions,

b) ethics,

c) Culture

d) All of the above

Ans: d

9. Physical environment is also called as...

a) Abiotic environment

b) Biotic environment

c) Man-made environment

d) Psychological environment

Ans: a

10. The term environment is derived from an old French word “enviro” means....

a) Outside

b) Inside

c) Surroundings

d) Biotic community


11. Which of the Following is not the impact of acid rain?

a) Acidification of soil

b) Deterioration of buildings

c) Loss of crops

d) Improve the taste of water

Ans: d

12. Major cause of increment in population growth is......

a) decrease in birth rate

b) decrease in mortality rate

c) illiteracy

d) none of the above

Ans: b

13. Which of the following is not a component of 4Rs?

a) Reduce

b) Resell

c) Reuse

d) Recover

Ans: b

14. Which one of the following is not a recyclable waste?

a) Metal

b) Plastic

c) Sand

d) Glass

Ans: c

15. The 4Rs principle is applicable for…

a) Public awareness

b) Environmental protection

c) Saving natural resources

d) All of the above

Ans: d

16. Layer which saves life from harmful effects of UV radiations is known as

a) Ozone Layer

b) Alpha Layer

c) Gama Layer

d) Infra-Red Layer

Ans: a

17. Greenhouse gases which is present in very high quantity is

a) Prop hen

b) Ethane

c) Carbon di-oxide

d) Methane

Ans: c

18. Burning of fossil fuels

a) Decrease green house gases

b) Increase green house gases

c) Increase level of oxygen

a) d)Increase level of ethane

Ans: b

19. One which is not considered as naturally occurring greenhouse gas is

a) Carbon di-oxide

b) Methane

c) nitrous oxide

d) ethane

Ans: d

20. The most harmful environmental pollution from nuclear reactor is

a) radioactivity

b) particulate formation

c) thermal pollution

d) Noise Pollution

Ans: c

21. Height of ozone above surface of Earth is

a) 30 – 50 kms

b) 10 – 20 kms

c) 15 – 30 km

d) 50 – 70 kms

Ans: c

22. Ozone layer is found in ....

a) Thermosphere

b) Stratosphere

c) Troposphere

d) Mesosphere

Ans: b

23. What type of radiation is trapped on the earth's surface by the green house effect?

a) UV rays

b) ? -rays

c) X-rays

d) IR rays

Ans: a

24. Biotic environment includes

a) producers

b) consumers

c) decomposers

a) d)All above

Ans: d

25. Greenhouse gases which is present in very high quantity is

a) Prophen

b) Ethane

c) Carbon di-oxide

d) Methane

Ans: c

26. Color of ozone molecule is

a) Blue

b) White

c) Pale Yellow

d) Pale Green

Ans: a

27. 71% of earth surface is covered with:

a) Land

b) Air

c) Water

d) Coal


28. Of the total water on the Earth, fresh water reserves constitue approximately–

a) 70 %

b) 2.7%

c) 27 %

d) 8.9 %

Ans: b

29. Nitrous oxide (commonly called laughing gas) has been a matter of concern to environmentalist recently because–

a) it is thought to cause cancer at low concentration

b) it produce photochemical smog

c) it is a green house gas

a) None of the above

Ans: c

30. Public awareness of environment creates ----------------------

a) Environment protection

b) Environment degradation

c) Environmental improvement

d) Environmental cultivation

Ans: a

31. Major cause of Ozone depletion is due to which chemical ?

a) Chlorofluorocarbons

b) Polyphenols

c) Dioxins

a) None of the above

Ans: a

32. Air is composed of gases, water vapours and.........

a) dust particles

b) Rainfall

c) Snowfall


Ans: a

33. What is troposphere?

a) Portion of air

b) Portion of water

c) Lowest layer of atmosphere where we survive

d) Portion of sky

Ans: c

34. How is the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere connected ?

a) Hydrological cycle

b) Nitrogen cycle

c) Oxygen cycle

d) Carbon cycle

Ans: d

35. The area where all the living organisms interact with each other and their environment is ----------------

a) biosphere

b) exosphere

c) mesosphere

d) None of the above

Ans: a

36. Exchange of outgoing and incoming radiations that keep Earth warm is known as

a) greenhouse effect

b) radiation effect

c) infrared effect

d) ozone layer depletion

Ans: a

37. The portion of the earth and its environment which can support life is
known as

a) crust

b) exosphere

c) biosphere

d) mesosphere

Ans: c

38. “Ozone Hole” is a ------------------------

a) Hole in the atmosphere
b) Destruction of ozone layer

c) Hole in hydrosphere

d) Hole in atmosphere

Ans: b

39. The historical monument that is affected by acid rain is

a) Taj Mahal

b) Pyramid of Egypt

c) Pisa Tower

d) Golden Temple

Ans: a

40. Ozone is formed in the upper atmosphere by a photochemical reaction with

a) Ultra violet solar radiation

b) Infra red radiation

c) Visible light

d) All of the above

Ans: a

41. The amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth is called as

a) Solar flux

b) Reflected light

c) Minerals

d) solvents

Ans: a

42. Biosphere is
a) The solid shell of inorganic materials on the surface of the Earth
b) The thin shell of organic matter on the surface of earth comprising of all the living things
c) The sphere which occupies the maximum volume of all the spheres
d) All of the above
Ans: b

43. Which of the following conceptual sphere of the environment is having the least storage capacity for matter?
a) Atmosphere

b) Lithosphere

c) Hydrosphere

d) Biosphere

Ans: a

44. Acid rain contains.....

a) Sulphuric acid

b) Hydrochloric acid

c) Oxalic acid

d) Acetic acid

Ans: a

45. High level radioactive waste can be managed in which of the following ways?

a) Open dumping

b) Composting

c) Incineration

d) Dumping in sealed containers

Ans: d

46. The objective of environmental education is

a) Raise consciousness about environmental education

b) To teach environmentally appropriate behaviour

c) Create an environmental ethic that fosters awareness about ecological inter-dependence of economics, social and political

d) All of the above

Ans: d

47. Which of the following is an example of impact of development activities on the Hydrosphere?

a) Air pollution

b) Soil pollution

c) Soil erosion

d) Water pollution

Ans: d

48. Environmental education is
mportant only at

a) Primary school stage

b) Secondary school stage

c) College stage

d) All of the above

Ans: d

49. The production of biogas from the waste is includes in......

a) Reduce

b) Reuse

c) Recycle

d) Recover
Ans: d

50. Which one of the following is an abiotic component of the ecosystem?
a) Bacteria

b) Plants

c) Humus

d) Fungi

Ans: c

51. The environment which has been modified by human activities is called

a) Natural environment

b) Anthropogenic environment

c) Modem environment

d) Urban environment

Ans: b

52. Hydrosphere includes

a) Animal

b) Plants

c) Soil

d) Water bodies

Ans: d

53. Important abiotic factor in environment include which of the following?

a) Temperature

b) Wind

c) Water

d) All of the above

Ans: d

54. Atmosphere may extents to a height of ......kms above the earth surface

a) 80

b) 8000

c) 800

d) 8

Ans: c

55. Which of the following is the correct sequence of 4Rs principle in waste hierarchy?

a) Reduce-Reuse-Recycle-Recover

b) Recover-Recycle-Reuse-Reduce

c) Recycle – Recover – Reuse- Reduce

d) Reuse-Recover-Reduce - Recycle

Ans: a

56. The 4Rs principle is applicable in…

a) Agriculture areas

b) Industrial areas

c) Municipal areas

d) All of the above

Ans: d
