Knowledge of various mechanisms and machines is a prerequisite for enabling a
mechanical engineer (o work in the industry. This course provides the knowledge of
Kinematics and dynamics of different machine elements and popular mechanisms such as four-link mechanisms, cam-follower. belt-pulley. chain sprocket, gears, flywheel, brake, and clutch
1o enable a diploma holder to carry out maintenance of these and it also serves as a
prerequisite for course ‘Elements of Machine Design’ to be studied in a later semester.
The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching leaming experiences:
« Use principles of kinematics and dynamics in the maintenance of various equipment.
‘The theory, practical experiences, and relevant soft skills associated with this course are
to be taught and implemented. so that the student demonstrates the following industry
oriented COs associated with the above-mentioned competency:
- Identify various links in popular mechanisms,
- Select suitable mechanisms for various applications.
- Interpret the motion of cams and followers.
- Recommend relevant belts, chains, and drives for different applications.
- Choose relevant brakes and clutches for various applications
- Select suitable flywheel and governor for various applications.
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