Fundamentals of ICT (22001) Solved lab Manual with Answers for MSBTE

Fundamentals of ICT (22001) Solved Manual :

Welcome again to Msbte notes, so today's we will be sharing msbte solved
lab manual for 22001, which is "Fundamentals of ICT." So Fundamentals of ICT is
subject for Msbte 1 semester i-scheme. For information, every branch's
Msbte syllabus and pattern are the same and common for 1 sem. 

The outcome from 22001 Fundamentals of ICT :

COs associated with the competency mentioned above:

  •  interpret data and represent it graphicallyusing spreadsheet.

  •  prepare professional presentations.

  • use of diffrent types of web browsers.

Steps to get  Fundamentals of ICT (22001) solved lab manuals.

  1. Below is a pdf. Just keep scrolling page by page.

  2. Don't worry. If you can't, there is a zoom option.

  3. Share with other friends.



Remember this is just for refernece.


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