Python Chapter 4 object oriented programming


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>Hello everyone!  >

In this chapter, we are going to learn object-oriented programming. Let me
tell you one thing from this chapter we are turning towards the intermediate
level. So read it carefully.

So let's get started........

Course content:

  • Classes 

  • The self

  • Methods

  • The 'init'

  • Polymorphism

  • >Data encapsulation/abstraction >

  • Inheritance

> > >What is object-oriented programming? > >

  • We have designed our program around functions in all the programs
    we wrote, i.e., blocks of statements that manipulate data. This is
    called the procedure-oriented way of programming.

  • There is another way of organizing a program: combining data and
    functionality and wrapping it inside something called an object.

  • >This is called the object-oriented programming paradigm. >

  • One can use procedural programming most of the time, but when writing
    large programs or having a problem that is better suited to this method,
    you can use object-oriented programming techniques.

  • Classes and objects are the two main aspects of object-oriented

  • A class creates a new type where objects are instances of the class.

  • An analogy is that you can have variables of type int, which translates
    to saying that variables that store integers are variables that are
    instances (objects) of the int class.

  • Fields are of two types - they can belong to each instance/object of the
    class or belong to the class itself. They are called instance variables
    and class variables, respectively.

  • A class is created using the class keyword. The fields and methods of
    the class are listed in an indented block.


  • We create a new class using a class statement and the name of the class.
    This is followed by an indented block of statements that form the body
    of the class. In some cases, we have an empty block which is indicated
    using the pass statement.

  • We create an object/instance of a class using the name of the class
    followed by a pair of parentheses.

  • For our verification, we can confirm the type of the variable by simply
    printing it. 

  • It tells us that we have an instance of the "Person"  class in the
    main module.

  • Notice that the address of the computer memory where your object is
    stored is also printed.

class Person:

Output=__main__.Person object at 0x000002986739FA60>

The self

  • Class methods have only one specific difference from ordinary functions
    - they must have a different first name that must be added to the
    beginning of the parameter list. Still, you do not give a value for this
    parameter when you call the method. Python will provide it.

  • This particular variable refers to the object itself, and by convention,
    it is given the name self.

  • Although you can give any name for this parameter, you strongly
    recommend that you use the name self - any other name is definitely
    frowned upon.

  • There are many advantages to using a familiar name - any reader of your
    program will immediately recognize it, and even specialized IDEs
    (Integrated Development Environments) can help you if you use self.

  • How Python gives the value for self and why we don't need to value it.

  • Let us have a class called List and an instance of this class called
    shop list. 

  • When we call a method of this object as shop list. Append ('milk'), this
    is automatically converted by Python into List. Append (shop list,
    'milk') - this is all the particular self is about.

  • This also means that if you have a method that takes no arguments, then
    you still have to have one argument - the self.

  • The self in Python is equivalent to this pointer in C++ and this
    reference in Java and C#.


  • Class/objects can have methods just like functions except that we have
    an extra self variable.       >

  • >We see the self in action in the given an example. >

  • Notice that the say_hi method takes no parameters but still has the self
    in the function definition.

class Person:
def say_hi(self):
print("Hello how are you?")
Output=Hello how are you?
You can also write in this way
Output=Hello how are you?

>The init

  • > >Many method names have special significance in python classes >

  • > >The init method is run as soon as an object of a class is

  • > >The method is helpful to do any initialization you want to do with
    your object.

  • > >Notice the double underscores both at the beginning and at the end of
    the name.

  • > >We do not explicitly call the init method but pass the arguments in
    the parentheses following the class name when creating a new class

class Person:
def __init__(self,fname):

class Person:
def __init__(self,fname):
def say_hi(self):
print('Hello,my name is',
Output=Hello,my name is Dharmesh
Output=Hello,my name is Himanshu

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  • Polymorphism is achieved through method overloading. Method overloading
    means several methods present in a class have the same name but
    different types/number of parameters. Like other languages, Python does
    not support method overloading by default. But there are different ways
    to achieve Polymorphism in Python.

  • Polymorphism is an ability (in OOP) to use a standard interface for
    multiple forms (data types). Suppose we need to color a shape; there are
    multiple shape options (rectangle, square, circle). However, we could
    use the same method to color any shape.

  • >This concept is called Polymorphism. >

  • > >In the given program, we will define two classes Parrot and Penguin.
    Each of them has a standard method fly(). However, their functions are

class Parrot:
def fly(self):
print("Parrot can fly")
class Penguin:
def fly(self):
print("Penguin can't fly")
def flying_test(bird):
blu = Parrot()
peggy = Penguin()
Output=Parrot can fly
Output=Penguin can't fly



>Data encapsulation/abstraction >

  • >Abstraction is an essential aspect of object-oriented
    programming. >

  • In Python, we can perform data hiding by adding the double underscore ()
    as a prefix to the attribute which is to be hidden. After this, the
    attribute will not be visible outside of the class through the object.

  • Using OOP in Python, we can restrict access to methods and variables.
    This prevents data from direct modification, which is called

  • We defined a class Computer. We use_init the__() method to store the
    maximum selling price of the computer. 

  • We try to modify the price. However, we can't change it because Python
    treats the __maxprice as personal attributes.

  • We used a setter function set a price() to change the value, taking
    price as a parameter.

class Computer:
def __init__(self):
def sell(self):
print("Selling price: ",self.__maxprice)
print("Actual price: ",self.actual_price)
def setMaxPrice(self,price):
AttributeError: 'Computer' object has no attribute '__maxprice'
Output=Selling price: 900
Actual price: 500

Output=Selling price: 900
Actual price: 600

Output=Selling price: 1000
Actual price: 600


  • One of the major benefits of object-oriented programming is the reuse of
    code and one of the ways this is achieved is through the inheritance

  • Inheritance can be best imagined as implementing a type and subtype
    relationship between classes.

  • Suppose you want to write a program which has to keep track of the
    teachers and students in a college. 

  • They have some common characteristics such as name, age, and address.
    They also have specific characteristics such as salary, courses, and
    leaves for teachers and, marks and fees for students.

  • You can create two independent classes for each type and process them
    but adding a new common characteristic would mean adding to both of
    these independent classes. This quickly becomes unwieldy.

  • A better way would be to create a common class called School Member and
    then have the teacher and student classes inherit from this class i.e.
    they will become sub-types of this type (class) and then we can add
    specific characteristics to these sub-types.

  • >There are many advantages to this approach. >

  • If we add/change any functionality in School Member, this is
    automatically reflected in the subtypes as well.

  • Also, observe that we reuse the parent class code, and we do not need to
    repeat it in the different classes as we would have had to if we had
    used independent classes.

  • The School Member class in this situation is known as the base class or
    the superclass.

  • The Teacher and Student classes are called the derived classes or

class SchoolMember:
def __init__(self,name,age):
print("Intialized SchoolMember",
def tell(self):
print("Name: {} Age: {}".format(, self.age))
class Teacher(SchoolMember):
def __init__(self,name,age,salary):
print("Intialized Teacher",
def tell(self):
class Student(SchoolMember):
def __init__(self,name,age,marks):
print("Intialized Student",
def tell(self):
print("Marks: ",self.marks)

Output=Intialized SchoolMember Mr.Himanshu
Intialized Teacher Mr.Himanshu

Output=Name: Mr.Himanshu Age: 33
Salary 250000

Perform the student class operations



I hope that you have understood this topic in the next chapter we will learn
about dates and times in Python.

So stay tuned!

Thank You!

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