Assignment on File, Date Time And Exception Handling in python


Hello Everyone.......!

It's time for an assignment. This assignment is based on chapters 5,6,7 and 8 File, Date-Time, And Exception Handling in Python. I am providing you a file just download it and perform the activity.
TEXT file 469KB

## File, Date Time and Exception Handling ##
1. Write code that stores the contents of the months list in a file named months.txt. Store one month per line.
months = ['January','February','March','April' , .. ,'December']

2. The following sample file called score.txt contains one line for each student in an a class. The students name is the first thing on each line, followed by some exam scores. The number of scores might be different for each student.

score.txt =>
Swaroop 10 15 20 30 40
Vikas 23 16 19 22
Durva 8 22 17 14 32 17 24 21 2 9 11 17
Vedika 12 28 21 45 26 10
Shubham 14 32 25 16 89

Using the text file score.txt write a program that prints out the names of students that have more than six quiz scores.

3. Write a Python program to convert a string to datetime.
Sample String : Jan 07 2014 2:43PM
Expected Output : 2014-07-01 14:43:00

4. Write a Python program to print next 5 days starting from today.

5. Write a Python program to get the number of days of a specified year and month.

Best regards from,


