22412 JPR MCQ Unit 6: Managing Input/output Files in Java


Unit 6:  Managing Input/output Files in Java

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Download all 4th Semester computer Engineering Group MCQ Question Banks, This article is aimed to provide MCQ Question banks for 22412 JPR (Java Programming). As we all know MSBTE Online examination pattern is totally different it based on Objective Questions(MCQs) because of this it is difficult to study but we are here for Diploma Students, here on cwipedia Students can download MCQ question banks, I scheme syllabus, a model answer, and many more things.

1. The …………………… package contains a large number of stream classes that provide capabilities for processing all types of data.

A) java.awt

B) java.io

C) java.util

D) java.net


2. State whether the following statements about the stream in Java.

i) The two basic streams used are the input and output streams.

ii) Filters are used to read data from one stream and write it to another stream.

A) True, True

B) True, False

C) False, True

D) False, False

3. The InputStream class defines methods for performing input functions such as

i) reading bytes                             ii) closing streams

iii) skipping ahead in a stream      iv) flushing streams

A) ii, iii and iv only

B) i, ii and iii only

C) i, iii and iv only

D) All i, ii, iii and iv


4. The OutputStreams include methods that are designed to perform  the following tasks.

i) closing streams                    ii) flushing streams

iii) reading bytes                     iv) writing bytes

A) ii, iii and iv only

B) i, ii and iii only

C) i, ii and iv only

D) All i, ii, iii and iv




5. Which of the following method(s) is not included in the InputStream class.

A) available( )

B) reset( )

C) flush( )

D) close( )


6. Which of the following methods are not included in the OutputStream class.

A) write( )

B) skip( )

C) close( )

D) flush( )


7. The class DataInputStream extends …………………….. and implements the interface DataInput.

A) FileInputStream

B) SequenceInputStream

C) FilterInputStream

D) InputStream

8. The method …………………., force writes whenever the data accumulates in the output stream.

A) write( )

B) flush( )

C) read( )

D) reset( )


9. The DataInputStream and DataOutputStream classes are …………………….. streams that allow the reading and writing of Java primitive data types.

A) file

B) sequence

C) object

D) filter


10. The ……………………… class provides the capacity to read primitive data types from an input stream.

A) pushbackInputStream

B) DataInputStream

C) BufferedInputStream

D) PipeInputStream

11. Which of the following is/are the methods of the DataOutputStream class.

i) void writeChar(intV)                      ii) void writeLong(longV)

iii) void writeInt(intV)                       iv) int size( )

A) ii, iii and iv only

B) i, ii and iii only

C) i, ii and iv only

D) All i, ii, iii and iv


12. DataInput is

A) an abstract class defined in java.io

B) a class we can use to read primitive data types

C) an interface that defines methods to open files

D) an interface that defines methods to read primitives data types


13. Which exception is thrown by the read( ) method of InputStream class.

A) Exception

B) IOException

C) ReadException

D) File Not Found Exception


14. The ……………………… method of the BufferedReader class is used for reading lines of text from the console, the file or other input streams.

A) read( )

B) read(byte[]b)

C) readLine( )

D) readByte( )


15. ……………………. class is used to increase the efficiency of input operations.

A) DataInputStream

B) FileInputStream

C) BufferedInputStream

D) PipeInputStream


16. State whether the following statements about DataInputStream class are True.

i) readBoolean( ) reads one byte and returns true if that byte is nonzero, false if it is zero.

ii) readByte( ) reads a byte as an 8-bit signed value.

iii) readChar( ) reads a unicode character.

A) True, False, True

B) False, True, False

C) True, False, False

D) True, True, True


17. The ……………………. class implements the DataInput and DataOutput interfaces for performing I/O using the primitive data types.

A) RandomAccessFile

B) OutputStream Reader

C) InputStreamReader

D) DataOutputStream


18. The class ………………………. is a subclass of object class which can be used for breaking up a stream of text from an input text file into meaningful pieces.

A) Streamtokenizer

B) RandomAccessFile

C) InputStreamReader

D) DataOutputStream


19. Combining two or more input streams into a single input stream can be achieved using the ………………. class.

A) SequenceOutputStream

B) BufferedInputStream

C) BufferedOutputStream

D) SequenceInputStream


20. ……………….. streams provide functionally for threads to communicate and exchange data between them.

A) Object

B) Piped

C) Pushback

D) Filtered

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