22226 PCI MCQ (Programming in C) | Unit 2: Basic of C Programming


Department of Computer Engineering

Academic Year 2020-21

Class: Computer & IT

Subject: 22226 PCI (Programming in C) MCQ 

Unit 2: Basic of C Programming

MCQ Question Bank with Answers

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1. Who is the father of C Language?

A. Bjarne Stroustrup

B. James A. Gosling

C. Dennis Ritchie

D. Dr. E.F. Codd

Ans : C

2. C Language was developed at ?

A. AT & T Bell Laboratory

B. MIT University

C. Harvard University

D. Stanford Lab

Ans : A

3. Many features of C were derived from which language ?


B. B



Ans : B

4. What is C language?

A. C language is a structure/procedure oriented

B. C language is a middle level programming language

C. C language was invented for implementing UNIX operating system

D. All of the above

Ans : D

5. First version of C Programming language is ____ .

A. K&R

B. C89


D. R&K

Ans : A

6. C was initially used for

A. General purpose

B. System development work

C. Data processing

D. None of these

Ans : B

7. C programming language is

A. Procedural language

B. Object Oriented language

C. Scripting languages

D. None of these

Ans : A

8. Which Committee standardizes C Programming Language ?





Ans : D

9. Which year C language is developed?

A. 1970

B. 1971

C. 1972

D. 1973

Ans : C

10. Which of these is not an example for IDE in C?

A. Turbo

B. Pycharm

C. Code::Blocks

D. Borland

Ans : B

11. How many keywords are there in c ?

A. 31

B. 32

C. 64

D. 63

Ans : B

12. Which of the following is true for variable names in C?

A. Variable names cannot start with a digit

B. Variable can be of any length

C. They can contain alphanumeric characters as well as special characters

D. Reserved Word can be used as variable name

Ans : A

13. Which of the following cannot be a variable name in C?


B. friend

C. export

D. volatile

Ans : D

14. What is the output of this program?


void main()


int x = 10;

float x = 10;

printf("%d", x)


A. Compilations Error

B. 10

C. 10

D. 10.1

Ans : A

15. What is the output of this program?

   #include <stdio.h>

    int main()


        int i;

        for (i = 0;i < 5; i++)

        int a = i;

        printf("%d", a);


A. Syntax error in declaration of a

B. No errors, program will show the output 5

C. Redeclaration of a in same scope throws error

D. a is out of scope when printf is called

Ans : A

16. What is the output of this program?

 #include <stdio.h>

  int var = 20;

  int main()


    int var = var;

    printf("%d ", var);

    return 0;


A. Garbage Value

B. 20

C. Compiler Error

D. None of these

Ans : A

17. What is the output of this program?


void main()


      int p, q, r, s;

      p = 1;

      q = 2;

      r = p, q;

      s = (p, q);

      printf("p=%d q=%d", p, q);


A. p=1 q=1

B. p=1 q=2

C. p=2 q=2

D. Invalid Syntex

Ans : B

18. What is the output of this program?

void main()




A. fff0

B. fff1

C. fff2

D. fff3

Ans : A

19. What is the output of this program?

#include <stdio.h>

void main()


   int a=1, b=2, c=3, d;

   d = (a=c, b+=a, c=a+b+c);

   printf("%d %d %d %d", d, a, b, c);


A. 11 3 5 11

B. 11 1 5 11

C. 11 3 2 11

D. 11 3 3 11

Ans : A

20. What is the output of this program?

void main()


   int a, b = 5, c;

   a = 5 * (b++);

   c = 5 * (++b);

   printf("%d %d",a,c);


A. 30 35

B. 30 30

C. 25 30

D. 25 35

Ans : D


Happy Learning!

