Major-Project Ideas for Diploma Students


Major-Project Ideas for Diploma Students

ChatBot Using Javascript

Develop ChatBot using HTML,CSS and JavaScript with extra ordinery features like storing task,Music recommendation, Movie recommendation, Mood detection.

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ChatBot Using Pyhton

Develop ChatBot using Python Programming with features like storing task,Music recommendation, Movie recommendation, Mood detection,

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Virtual Assistant Using Pyhton

Develop Virtual Assistant using Python Programming with following features like weather report, operation on application like opeing application, wifi password retriver, current location teller, and many more features that impress everyone

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Billing System in Java

Develop Billing system for caffe, hotel or any shop. Using Java Programming and MySql database

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E-commerce site Web-Developemnt

Develop and design E-commerce website using HTML,CSS, and PHP

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Attendence System Using Machine Learning concept in Android

Attendence System Using Machine Learning concept in Android and desktop machine

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Fraud Detection System Using Machine Learning concept

Develop Fraud Detection System using ML Credit Card Transaction Fraud Detction

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Convert Image to Text Android App

Develop Android App that convert Image to text

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Drawing Device

Drawing device that can draw anthing on cardsheet on your demad, It uses IOT concept

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Robotic Arm

Robotic Arm using IOT concept

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Smart Car Parking System

Smart Parking System using IOT

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We will do for you,any idea | click here to contact us and hire us for your project
