Develop Python program using wolframalpha API


Using this You Can Ask Question like What is 2+1, What is Temp, What is sin(2), What is Github, who is bill gates, etc

What is WolframAlpha?
WolframAlpha is a computational knowledge engine or answer engine developed by Wolfram Alpha LLC, a subsidiary of Wolfram Research. 

What is WolframAlpha

import wolframalpha 
def Ask():

    query=input("Ask the Question:--")
    app_id = "your app id"  
    client = wolframalpha.Client(app_id)  
    res = client.query(query) 
    sol = next(res.results).text 

while True:
    s=input("Do you want Ask again?? (y/n)")
    if(s=='y' or s=='Y'):
Ask the Question:--what is weather today
temperature | 34 °C (heat index: 39 °C)
conditions | partly cloudy
relative humidity | 50% (dew point: 22 °C)
wind speed | 2 m/s
(39 minutes ago)
Do you want Ask again?? (y/n)y
Ask the Question:--what is the capital of india 
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Do you want Ask again?? (y/n)n

Develop Python program using WolframAlpha API
Develop python program to give the temperature of current location  
Develop python program to give the weather report 
Develop python program to print calculation like 2+2,sin(1)
Develop python program to calculate mathematical operations
Develop python program to ask questions like what is the capital of INDIA 
Develop python program to ask questions like who is Bill Gate
Develop python program to print location 
