(ETI MCQ) Emerging Trends in Computer Eng and Information Technology MCQ Chapter-2 Internet of Things
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Chapter-2 Internet of Things | ETI MCQ I Scheme1. Embedded systems are_____
A. General-purpose
B. Special purpose
Ans: B
2. Embedded system is______
A. An electronic system
B. A pure mechanical system
C. An electro-mechanical system
D. (A) or (C)
Ans: D
3. Which of the following is not true about embedded systems?
A. Built around specialized hardware
B. Always contain an operating system
C. Execution behavior may be deterministic
D. All of these
E. None of these
Ans: E
4. Which of the following is not an example of a “small-scale embedded system”?
A. Electronic Barbie doll
B. Simple calculator
C. Cell phone
D. Electronic toy car
Ans: C
5. The first recognized modern embedded system is
A. Apple computer
B. Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)
C. Calculator
D. Radio navigation system
Ans: B
6. The first mass-produced embedded system is
A. Minuteman-I
B. Minuteman-II
C. Autonetics D-17
D. Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)
Ans: C
7. Which of the following is an (are) an intended purpose(s) of embedded systems?
A. Data collection
B. Data processing
C. Data communication
D. All of these
E. None of these
Ans: D
8. Which of the following is (are) example(s) of an embedded system for data communication?
USB Mass Storage device
A. Network router
B. Digital camera
C. Music player
D. All of these
E. None of these
Ans: B
9. What are the essential tight constraints related to the design metrics of an embedded system?
A. Ability to fit on a single chip
B. Low power consumption
C. Fast data processing for real-time operations
D.All of the above
Ans: D
10. A digital multimeter is an example of an embedded system for
A. Data communication
B. Monitoring
C. Control
D. All of these
E. None of these
Ans: B
11. Which of the following is an (are) example(s) of an embedded system for signal processing?
A. Apple iPod (media player device)
B. SanDisk USB mass storage device
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of these
Ans: D
12. The instruction set of RISC processor is
A. Simple and lesser in number
B. Complex and lesser in number
C. Simple and larger in number
D. Complex and larger in number
Ans: A
13. Which of the following is true about CISC processors?
A. The instruction set is non-orthogonal
B. The number of general-purpose registers is limited
C. Instructions are like macros in c language
D. Variable-length instructions
E. All of these
F. None of these
Ans: E
14. Main processor chip in computers is_______
Ans: C
15. Processors used in many microcontroller products need to be______
A. high power
B. low power
C. low interrupt response
D. low code density
Ans: B
16. In microcontrollers, UART is acronym of_____
A. Universal Applied Receiver/Transmitter
B. Universal Asynchronous Rectified Transmitter
C. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
D. United Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
Ans: C
17. Which architecture is followed by general-purpose microprocessors?
A. Harvard architecture
B. Von Neumann architecture
C. None of the mentioned
D. All of the mentioned
Ans: B
18. Which architecture involves both the volatile and non-volatile memory?
A. Harvard architecture
B. Von Neumann architecture
C. None of the mentioned
D. All of the mentioned
Ans: A
19. Which architecture provides separate buses for program and data memory?
A. Harvard architecture
B. Von Neumann architecture
C. None of the mentioned
D. All of the mentioned
Ans: A
20. Harvard architecture allows:
A. Separate program and data memory
B. Pipe-ling
C. Complex architecture
D. All of the mentioned
Ans: D
21. Which of the following processor architecture supports easier instruction pipelining?
A. Harvard
B. Von Neumann
C. Both of them
D. None of these
Ans: A
22. Which of the following is an example of a wireless communication interface?
A. RS-232C
B. Wi-Fi
C. Bluetooth
D. EEE1394
E. Both (B) and (C)
Ans: E
23. ARM stands for _________
A. Advanced RISC Machine
B. Advanced RISC Methodology
C. Advanced Reduced Machine
D. Advanced Reduced Methodology
Ans: A
24. What is the processor used by ARM7?
A. 8-bit CISC
B. 8-bit RISC
C. 32-bit CISC
D. 32-bit RISC
Ans: D
25. The main importance of ARM microprocessors is providing operation with ______
A. Low cost and low power consumption
B. Higher degree of multi-tasking
C. Lower error or glitches
D. Efficient memory management
Ans: A
26. ARM processors where basically designed for _______
A. Mainframe systems
B. Distributed systems
C. Mobile systems
D. Supercomputers
Ans: C
27. ASIC chip is
A. Simple in design.
B. Manufacturing time is less.
C. It is faster.
D. Both A&C.
Ans: C
28. ASIC stands for
A. Application-System Integrated Circuits
B. Application-Specific Integrated Circuits
C. Application-System Internal Circuits
D. Application-Specific Internal Circuits
Ans: B
29. In microcontrollers, I2C stands for
A. Inter-Integrated Clock
B. Initial-Integrated Clock
C. Intel-Integrated Circuit
D. Inter-Integrated Circuit
Ans: D
30. ______________ is the smallest microcontrollers which can be programmed to perform a
large range of tasks.
A. PIC microcontrollers
B. ARM microcontrollers
C. AVR microcontrollers
D. ASIC microcontrollers
Ans: - A
31. _______________ was developed in the year 1996 by ATMEL Corporation
Ans: - B
32. AVR stands for_____________________.
A. Advanced Virtual RISC.
B. Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan RISC
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above
Ans: - C
33. AVR microcontroller executes most of the instruction in _________________.
A. Single execution cycle.
B. Double execution cycle.
C. Both A& B
D. None of the above.
Ans: - A
34. The term "the Internet of things" was coined by
A. Edward L. Schneider
B. Kevin Ashton
C. John H.
D. Charles Anthony
Ans: B
35. The huge numbers of devices connected to the Internet of Things have to communicate
automatically, not via humans, what is this called?
A. Bot to Bot(B2B)
B. Machine to Machine(M2M)
C. InterCloud
D. Skynet
Ans: B
36. What does “Things” in IoT refer to?
A. General device
B. Information
C. IoT devices
D. Object
Ans: C
37. Interconnection of Internet and computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling
them to send and receive data is called_____________
A. Internet of Things
B. Network Interconnection
C. Object Determination
D. None of these
Ans: A
38. _____________ is a computing concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects
being connected to the internet.
A. IoT (Internet of Things)
Ans: -A
39 _____ devices may support a number of interoperable communication protocols and
communicate with other devices and also with infrastructure.
A. Artificial Intelligence
B. Machine Learning
C. Internet of Things
D. None of the above
Ans: C
40. Which one is not an element of IoT?
A. Process
B. People
C. Security
D. Things
41. IIOT stands for
A. Information Internet of Things
B. Industrial Internet of Things
C. Innovative Internet of Things
D. None of the above
42. Name of the IoT device which is first recognized?
A. Smart Watch
C. Radio
D. Video Game
Ans: B
43. _____ is used by IoT
A. Radio information technology
B. Satellite
C. Cable
D. Broadband
Ans: A
44. ______ consists of communication protocols for electronic devices, typically a mobile device
and a standard device.
D. None of the above
45. _____________ refers to establish a proper connection between all the things of IoT.
A. Connectivity
B. Analyzing
C. Sensing
D. Active Engagement
Ans: - A
46. IOT devices which have unique identities and can perform ________________________.
A. Remote sensing
B. Actuating
C. Monitoring capabilities
D. All of the above
Ans: - D
47. The sensed data communicated ___________________.
A. Cloud-based servers/storage.
B. I/O interfaces.
C. Internet connectivity.
D. None of the above
Ans: - A
48. IoT devices are various types, for instance______________.
A. Wearable sensors.
B. Smartwatches.
C. LED lights.
D. All of the above
Ans: - D
49. ______________ is a collection of wired Ethernet standard for the link layer.
A. IEEE 802.3
B. IEEE 802.11
C. IEEE 802.16
D. IEEE 802.15.4
Ans: - A
50.______ is a collection of WLAN communication standards.
A. IEEE 802.3
B. IEEE 802.11
C. IEEE 802.16
D. IEEE 802.15.4
Ans: B
51. ____ is a collection of wireless broadband standards (WiMax).
A. IEEE 802.3
B. IEEE 802.11
C. IEEE 802.16
D. IEEE 802.15.4
Ans: C
52 ___ is a collection of standards for LR-WPANs.
A. IEEE 802.3
B. IEEE 802.11
C. IEEE 802.16
D. IEEE 802.15.4
53. LR-WPANs standards from the basis of specifications for high-level communication protocol
such as ___.
A. Zigbee
B. Allsean
C. Tyrell
D. Microsoft's Azure
Ans: A
54. ______ includes GSM and CDMA.
A. 2G
B. 3G
C. 4G
D. None of the above
Ans: A
55. ______include UMTS and CDMA2000.
A. 2G
B. 3G
C. 4G
D. None of the above
Ans: B
56 ______include LTE.
A. 2G
B. 3G
C. 4G
D. None of the above
57. _____________ layer protocols determine how the data is physically sent over the network’s
physical layer or medium.
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Link-layer
Ans: - D
58 _______ layer is responsible for sending of IP datagrams from the source network to the
destination network.
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Link-layer
Ans: C
59. ___ layer performs the host addressing and packet routing.
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Link-layer
60. _____________ protocols provide end to end message transfer capability independent of the
underlying network.
A. Network layer
B. Transport layer
C. Application layer
D. Link-layer
Ans: - B
61. The ___ protocols define how the applications interface with the lower-layer protocol to send the data over the network.
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Link-layer
Ans: A
62. 6LOWPAN stands for
A. 6 LOW Personal Area Network
B. IPv6 LOW Personal Area Network
C. IPv6 over Low power wireless personal area network
D. None of the above
63. 802.3 is the standard for 10BASE5 Ethernet that uses ___________ cable as shared medium.
A. Twisted pair cable
B. Coaxial cable
C. Fiber optic cable
D. None of the above
Ans: - B
64. IEEE 802.11 standards provide data rates ______________
A. 10 Gbit/s.
B. 1 Gbit/s
C. 1 Mb/s to up to 6.75 Gb/s
D. 250 Kb/s
Ans: - C
65. ________ of the following is a protocol related to IoT
A. Zigbee
D. All of the above
Ans: C
66. _______________ is useful for time-sensitive application that have very small data units to
exchange and do not want the overhead of connection setup.
C. Transport layer
D. None of the above.
Ans: - B
67. ____________ protocol uses Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) to identify HTTP
C. WebSocket
Ans: A
68. The 10/100Mbit Ethernet support enables the board to connect to _________
Ans: A
69. Which one out of these is not a data link layer technology?
A. Bluetooth
C. Wi-Fi
Ans: D
70. What is the size of the IPv6 Address?
A. 32 bits
B. 64 bits
C. 128 bits
D. 256 bits
Ans: C
71. MQTT stands for _____________
A. MQ Telemetry Things
B. MQ Transport Telemetry
C. MQ Transport Things
D. MQ Telemetry Transport
Ans: D
72. MQTT is better than HTTP for sending and receiving data.
A. True
B. False
Ans: A
73. MQTT is _________ protocol.
A. Machine to Machine
B. Internet of Things
C. Machine to Machine and Internet of Things
D. Machine Things
Ans: C
74. Which protocol is lightweight?
Ans: A
75 MQTT is:
A. Based on client-server architecture
B. Based on publish-subscribe architecture
C. Based on both of the above
D. Based on none of the above
Ans: B
76. XMPP is used for streaming which type of elements?
Ans: B
77. XMPP creates _________ identity.
A. Device
B. Email
C. Message
D. Data
Ans: A
78. XMPP uses ________ architecture.
A. Decentralized client-server
B. Centralized client-server
C. Message
D. Public/subscriber
Ans: A
79. What does HTTP do?
A. Enables network resources and reduces the perception of latency
B. Reduces perception of latency and allows multiple concurrency exchange
C. Allows multiple concurrent exchanges and enables network resources
D. Enables network resources and reduces the perception of latency and Allows multiple concurrent
Ans: D
80. HTTP expands?
A. HyperText Transfer Protocol
B. Hyper Terminal Transfer Protocol
C. HyperText Terminal Protocol
D. Hyper Terminal Text Protocol
Ans: A
81. CoAP is specialized in ___________
A. Internet applications
B. Device applications
C. Wireless applications
D. Wired applications
Ans: A
82. Which protocol is used to link all the devices in the IoT?
B. Network
Ans: A
83. Data in network layer is transferred in the form of ____________
A. Layers
B. Packets
C. Bytes
D. Bits
Ans: B
84. Services provided by the application layer?
A. Webchat
B. Error control
C. Connection services
D. Congestion control
Ans: A
85. TCP and UDP are called?
A. Application protocols
B. Session protocols
C. Transport protocols
D. Network protocols
Ans: C
86. The security-based connection is provided by which layer?
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Session layer
D. Network layer
Ans: D
87. Using which layer in transport layer data integrity can be assured?
A. Checksum
B. Repetition codes
C. Cyclic redundancy checks
D. Error correction codes
Ans: A
88. The transport layer receives data in the form of?
A. Packets
B. Byte streams
C. Bits stream
D. both packet and Byte stream
Ans: B
89. The network layer is considered as the _______?
A. Backbone
B. packets
C. Bytes
D. bits
Ans: A
90. The network layer consists of which hardware devices?
A. Router
B. Bridges
C. Switches
D. All of the above
Ans: D
91. Network layer protocol exits in_____?
A. Host
B. Switches
C. Packets
D. Bridges
Ans: A
92. Which protocol has a quality of service?
Ans: A
93. _____ is a data-centric middleware standard for device-to-device and machine-to-machine
A. Data Distribution Service (DDS)
B. Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)
C. Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)
D. Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)
Ans: A
94. _____ is a bi-directional, fully duplex communication model that uses a persistent connection between client and server.
A. Request-Response
B. Publish-Subscriber
C. Push-Pull
D. Exclusive Pair
95. ___ is a stateful communication model and the server is aware of all open connections.
A. Request-Response
B. Publish-Subscriber
C. Push-Pull
D. Exclusive Pair
96. Which is not an IoT communication model.
A. Request-Response
B. Publish-Subscribe
C. Push-Producer
D. Exclusive Pair
Ans: C
97. In Node MCU, MCU stands for_____.
A. Micro Control Unit
B. MicroController Unit
C. Macro Control Unit
D. Macro Controller Unit
Ans: B
98. REST is acronym for________
A. Representational State Transfer
B. Represent State Transfer
C. Representational State Transmit
D. Representational Store Transfer
Ans: A
99. WSN stands for
A. Wide Sensor Network
B. Wireless Sensor Network
C. Wired Sensor Network
D. None of these
Ans: B
100. The benefit of cloud computing services
A. Fast
B. Anywhere access
C. Higher utilization
D. All of the above
Ans: D
101. PaaS stands for_____
A. Platform as a Service
B. Platform as a Survey
C. People as a Service
D. Platform as a Survey
Ans: A
102. _________ as a Service is a cloud computing infrastructure that creates a development
environment upon which applications may be build.
A. Infrastructure
B. Service
C. Platform
D. All of the mentioned
103. _________ is a cloud computing service model in which hardware is virtualized in the
A. IaaS
B. CaaS
C. PaaS
D. None of the mentioned
Ans: A
104. Which of the following is the fundamental unit of the virtualized client in an IaaS deployment?
a) work unit
b) workspace
c) workload
d) all of the mentioned
105. ______ offering provides the tools and development environment to deploy applications on
another vendor’s application.
A. PaaS
B. IaaS
C. CaaS
D. All of the mentioned
106._________ is the most refined and restrictive service model.
A. IaaS
B. CaaS
C. PaaS
D. All of the mentioned
107. _____ is suitable for IoT applications to have low latency or high throughput requirements.
B. Publish-Subscriber
C. Push-Pull
D. WebSocket
108____ is one of the most popular wireless technologies used by WSNs.
A. Zigbee
B. AllSean
C. Tyrell
D. Z-Wave
109. Zigbee specification are based on ______.
A. 802.3
B. 802.11
C. 802.16
D. 802.15.4
110. ____ is a transformative computing paradigm that involves delivering applications and
services over the internet.
B. Cloud Computing
C. Big Data
D. None of the above
Ans: B
111. The process of collecting, organizing and collecting large sets of data called as
B. Cloud Computing
C. Big Data
D. None of the above
112. Does Raspberry Pi need external hardware?
A. True
B. False
113. Does RPi have internal memory?
A. True
B. False
114. What do we use to connect TV to RPi?
A. Male HDMI
B. Female HDMI
C. Male HDMI and Adapter
D. Female HDMI and Adapter
115. How power supply is done to RPi?
A. USB connection
B. Internal battery
C. Charger
D. Adapter
116. What is the Ethernet/LAN cable used in RPi?
C. cat6
D . RJ45
117. Which instruction set architecture is used in Raspberry Pi?
A. X86
Ans: D
118. Does micro SD card present in all modules?
A. True
B. False
Ans: A
119. Which characteristics involve the facility the thing to respond in an intelligent way to a
particular situation?
A. Intelligence
B. Connectivity
C. Dynamic Nature
D. Enormous Scale
Ans: A
120. ________ empowers IoT by bringing together everyday objects.
A. Intelligence
B. Connectivity
C. Dynamic Nature
D. Enormous Scale
Ans: B
121. The collection of data is achieved with ________ changes.
A. Intelligence
B. Connectivity
C. Dynamic Nature
D. Enormous Scale
Ans: C
122. The number of devices that need to be managed and that communicate with each other will be much larger.
A. Intelligence
B. Connectivity
C. Dynamic Nature
D. Enormous Scale
Ans: D
123. ________ in IoT as one of the key characteristics, devices have different hardware
platforms and networks.
A. Sensors
B. Heterogeneity
C. Security
D. Connectivity
Ans: B
124. Devices that transforms electrical signals into physical movements
A. Sensors
B. Actuators
C. Switches
D. Display
Ans: B
125. Stepper motors are_____
A. AC motors
B. DC motors
C. Electromagnets
D. None of the above
Ans: B
126. DC motors convert electrical into ___ energy.
A. Mechanical
B. Wind
C. Electric
D. None
Ans: A
127. Linear actuators are used in________
A. Machine tools
B. Industrial machinery
C.both A and B
Ans: A
128. Solenoid is a specially designed ________
A. Actuator
B. Machine
C. Electromagnet
D. none of above
Ans: C
129. Stepper motors are_____
A. AC motors
B. DC motors
C. Electromagnets
D. None of the above
Ans: B
130. Accelerometer sensors are used in______
A. Smartphones
B. Aircrafts
C. Both
D. None of the above
Ans: C
131. Image sensors are found in_______
A. Cameras
B. Night-vision equipment
C. Sonars
D. All of the above
Ans: D
132. Gas sensors are used to detect _____gases.
A. Toxic
B. Natural
C. Oxygen
D. Hydrogen
Ans: A
133. Properties of Arduino are:
A. Inexpensive
B. Independent
C. Simple
D. both A and C
Ans: D
134. Properties of IoT devices.
A. Sense
B. Send and receive data
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Ans: C
135. IoT devices are ____
A. Standard
B. Non-standard
C. Both
D. None
Ans: B
136. What is the microcontroller used in Arduino UNO?
A. ATmega328p
B. ATmega2560
C. ATmega32114
D. AT91SAM3x8E
Ans: A
137. ___ is an open-source electronic platform based on easy to used hardware and software.
A. Arduino
B. Uno
C. Raspberry Pi
D. Node
Ans: A
138 ____ is used latching, locking, triggering.
A. Solenoid
B. Relay
C. Linear Actuator
D. Servo motors
Ans: A
139. ____detect the presence or absence of nearby objects without any physical contact.
A. Smoke Sensor
B. Pressure Sensor
C. IR Sensor
D. Proximity Sensor
140____ sensors include thermocouples, thermistors, resistor temperature detectors (RTDs) and integrated circuits (ICs).
A. Smoke Sensor
B. Temperature Sensor
C. IR Sensor
D. Proximity Sensor
Ans: B
141. The measurement of humidity is
D. None of the above
Ans: A
142 ____ sensor is used for automatic door controls, automatic parking system, automated sinks, automated toilet flushers, hand dryers.
A. Smoke Sensor
B. Temperature Sensor
C. IR Sensor
D. Motion Sensor
143 ____ sensor measure heat emitted by objects.
A. Smoke Sensor
B. Temperature Sensor
C. IR Sensor
D. Proximity Sensor
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