Maintenance of Electrical Equipment (MEE) Sample Question Paper I Scheme MSBTE Electrical Engineering Group
Q.1Attempt any Five of the following.
(10 Marks)
a) List out four different fire extinguishers.
b) Explain the need of maintenance of electrical equipment.
c) Explain predictive maintenance.
d) List the different methods of testing of electrical equipment.
e) List any four properties of transformer oil.
f) List out eight different tools used in electrical maintenance.
g) List the different methods of drying of insulation.
Q.2Attempt any Three of the following.
(12 Marks)
a) Explain the sequence followed in operating any one type of fire extinguisher.
b) Write the internal causes of failure of electrical equipment.
c) Explain the need and steps to conduct the reduced voltage running up test on the three
phase induction motor.
d) Draw neat diagram of the foundation used for floor mounted transformer.
Q.3) Attempt any Three of the following.
(12 Marks)
a) Differentiate between installation earthing and system earthing.
b) Explain the importance of the preventive maintenance schedule.
c) Explain moisture proofness test conducted on single phase induction motor.
d) Prepare the troubleshooting chart (probable reasons and remedies) for three phase
transformer for the following symptoms
i) no output voltage,
ii) transformer oil overheats,
Q.4) Attempt any Three of the following.
(12 Marks)
a) List any four activities that are to be carried out for rescuing a person who has
received an electric shock.
b) Explain the significance of open circuit voltage ratio test on three phase slip induction
c) Explain neat diagrams and expressions open delta method of testing of transformers.
d) State factors affecting the life of insulating materials.
e) Explain with neat diagram the impulse test on a power transformer.
Q.5) Attempt any Two of the following.
(12 Marks)
a) State factors involved in designing a machine foundation.
b) Explain with neat circuit diagrams the procedures to perform no load and blocked
rotor tests on three phase induction motor.
c) Prepare the preventive maintenance schedule for three phase induction motor over one
Q.6) Attempt any Two of the following.
(12 Marks)
a) Explain with diagrams the synchronous impedance method of finding regulation of
b) Explain the steps to determine the efficiency and regulation from the results of the
back to back test on single phase transformer with neat diagrams if needed
c) Draw and explain vacuum impregnation method of varnishing.
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