22521 - -Sample-question-paper Advanced Database Management System I Scheme 5th Semester Computer MSBTE Sample Paper

Scheme- I

Sample Question Paper 

Program Name           : Computer Engineering Program Group

 Program Code           : CO/CM/CW

Semester                      : Fifth

Course Title   
: Advanced Database Management System 

: 70

Time: 3 Hrs.

Q1) Attempt any FIVE of the following.                                                      10 Marks

a)     State the use of concurrency control (any two)
b)     Enlist any four types of join
c)     Write any four benefits of NoSQL
d)     Enlist any four application of Data Mining
e)     Define Big Data.
f)      Give any four characteristics of XML
g)     State the use of Single Purpose Aggregation(any two)

Q2) Attempt any THREE of the following.                                                  12 Marks

a)     Explain Client Server database model with diagram
b)     Compare between Structured and Unstructured data(any four)
c)     explain With example any four operation with MongoDB
d)     Explain structured types and inheritance in SQL.

Q3) Attempt any THREE of the following.                                                  12 Marks

a)     Compare between OLTP vs OLAP
b)     Compare SQL and NoSQL database system(any four points)
c)     Explain steps used to perform data analysis in R programming
d)     Draw and explain Data Warehousing Lifecycle 

Q4)Attempt any THREE of the following.                                                   12 Marks

a)     Compare between parallel and Distributed database (any four points)
b)     List and explain any four basic datatype of MongoDB
c)     Describe data synchronization in mobile database.
d)     Explain Oracle Cloud technology.
e)     Describe the features of BI components

Q5) Attempt any TWO of the following.                                                      12 Marks

a)     Write query to execute find() function on Collection: Inventory
i) To display all documents in the collection ii) To display all documents where the status equals "D" iii) To display all documents where status equals either "A"or "D": iv) To display all documents where the status equals "A" and qty is less than 30: v) To display all documents where the status equals "A" or qty is less than 30: vi) To display all documents  where the status equals "A" and either qty is less than  30 or item starts with the character p:
b)     Explain array and multiset types in sql with example
c)     Explain object and object identity. Write SQL query for the following table

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Q6) Attempt any TWO of the following.                                                      12 Marks

a)     Define lock. Explain two phase locking protocol with example
b)     Consider the tables given below:
i)     Find all employees who locate in the location with the id 1700
ii)   Finds all employees who salaries are greater than the average salary of all employees
c)     Consider following input data for your Map Reduce Program
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