Q.1 ______package contains all the classes and
methods required for Event handling
in java.
java.applet (b) java.awt
java.event (d) java.awt.event
Q.2 What is an event is delegation event model used
by Java programming Language?
(a)An event
is an object that describes a state change in a source.
(b) An
event is an object that describes a state change in a processing.
(c) An
event is an object that describes any change by the user and
(d)An event
is a class used for defining object, to create events.
Q. 3 method are used to register a
keyboard event listener.
KeyListenerO (b) addKistenerO
(c) addKeyListenerO (d) eventKeyboardListenerO
Q.4 _____ method are used to
register a mouse motion listener.
(a) addMouseO
(b) addMouseListenerO
(c) addMouseMotionListnerO
(d) eventMouseMotionListenerO
Q.5 What is a listener in context to
event handling?
(a) A listener is a
variable that is notified when an event
(b) A
listener is a 'object
that is notified when an event
(c) A
listener is a method that is notified when an event occurs.
(d) None
of the mentioned
Q. 6 In which library event class is
defined ?
(a) java.io (b) java.util
(c) java.lang (d) java.net
Q. 7 Which
of these methods can be used to determine the type of event ?
(a) getSoureeO (b) getEventO
(c) getIDO (d) getEventObjeetO
Q.8 ____ is
super class of all the events.
(a) EventObjeet (b) EventClass
(c) AetionEvent (d) ItemEvent
Q. 9 If
scroll bar is manipulated______ event
will be notified.
(a) AetionEvent (b) ComponentEvent
(c) AdjustmentEvent (d) WindowEvent
Q.10 if we
close an applet's window generated. ___ event will be
(a) ActionEvent (b) ComponentEvent
(c) AdjustmentEvent (d)WindowEvent
Q. 11 Which
of these events is generated when a button is pressed?
(a) ActionEvent (b) KeyEvent
(c) Window Event (d) AdjustmentEvent
Q. 12 __ method can be used to obtain the command
name for invoking ActionEvent
getCommand() (b) getActionCommand()
getActionEvent() (d)
Q. 13 Which of these are integer constants defined in
ActionEvent class?
SHIFT_MASK (d) All ofthe mentioned
Q.14.Which of these methods can be used to determine
type of Event
(c ) getEvent()
(d) getEventObject()
Q. 15 _____ method can be used to determine the type
of adjustment event.
getType() (b) getEventType()
getAdjustmentType() (d)
Q. 16 __ method can be used to know the degree of
adjustment made by the user.
getValue() (b)
getAdjustmentValue() (d) getAdjustmentAmount()
Q.17.What are the KeyListener Interface? (a)
keyPressed (b) keyReleased (c )
keyTyped (d) All three.
Q. 18 Which of these constant value will change when
the button at the end of scroll bar
was clicked to increase its value?
Q.19 When the size of component is changed, __ event
is generated.
ComponentEvent (b) ContainerEvent
FocusEvent (d) InputEvent
Q. 20 When the component is added or removed ? Which
of these events is generated ?
(a) ComponentEvent (b) ContainerEvent
(c) FocusEvent
(d) InputEvent
Q. 21 method
can be used to obtain the reference to the container that
generated a ContainerEvent.
(a) getContainerO (b) getContainerCommandO
(c) getActionEventO (d)
Q.22.Which is the constant used for always providing
the vertical scrollbar
Q23.Which is the method used for WindowsClosing
(c ) windowClosing() (d) windowDeactivated()
Q.24_____event is generated when computer gains or
losses input focus.
ComponentEvent (b) ContainerEvent
FocusEvent (d) InputEvent
FocusEvent is subclass of which of these classes?
ComponentEvent (b) ContainerEvent
ItemEvent (d) InputEvent
Q.26 ___ can be used to know the type of focus
typeFocus() (b) typeEventFocus()
isTemporary() (d) isPermanent()
Q.27____ is superclass of Container Event class.
(a) WindowEvent
(b) ComponentEvent
ItemEvent (d)
Q.28 Which of the following method can be used to obtain the coordinates of a mouse?
getPoint() (b)
(c) getMouseXY() (d) getMouseCordinates()
Q.29_____method can be used to change location of an
(a) ChangePoint() (b) TranslatePoint()
ChangeCordinates() (d)
Q.30 Which of the following is integer constants of
TextEvent class?
(c) TEXT_
Q. 31_____ is used to obtain the object that
generated a Window Event.
getMethod() (b) getWindow()
(c) getWindowEvent() (d) getWindowObject()
Q.32 MouseEvent is subclass of which of these
ComponentEvent (b) ContainerEvent
ItemEvent (d) InputEvent
Q.33 ___ method is used to get x coordinate of the
getXO (b) getXCoordinateO
getCoordinateXO (d) getPointXO
Q.34 Which of these are constants defined in
WindowEvent class?
(d) All
of the mentioned
Q. 35 ____ is superclass of Window Event class.
WindowEvent (b) ComponentEvent
ItemEvent (d) InputEvent
Q.36 Which of these packages contains all the event
handling interfaces?
java.lang (b) java.awt
java.awt.event (d) java.event
Q.37 When a component is added to a container which
of these interfaces handles the
(a) ComponentListener (b) ContainerListener
FocusListener (d) InputListener
Q. 38 ___ interface define a method
ComponentListener (b) ContainerListener
ActionListener (d) InputListener
Q.39.Which method is used to set an icon to an Label?
(a) setIcon()
(c) getImage()
Q. 40 __ interfaces define a method
ComponentListner (b)ContainerListener
ActionListener (d) ItemListener
Q.41 Which method from the following methods will
respond when you click any button by
mouseClicked() (b) mouseEntered()
mousePressed() (d) All of the mentioned
Q. 42_____ methods will be invoked if a charaeter is
keyPressed() (b) keyReleased()
keyTyped() (d) keyEntered()
Q.43_____methods is defined in MouseMotionAdapter
mouseDragged() (b) mousePressed()
mouseReleased() (d)mouseClicked()
Q.44.Which method is used to have rollover icon?
(a)setDisabledIcon() (b)setDisabled()
(c) setRollover() (d)setRolloverIcon()
Q.45_______is the superclass of all Adapter classes.
Applet (b) ComponentEvent
Event (d) InputEvent
Q.46 In Java, events are all the activities that
occur between:
user (b) The application
(c) Both (a)
and (b) (d) None of the above
Q.47 EventObject class belongs to:
java.util (b) java.awt
java.lang (d) java.sql
Q.48 The Component class is an abstract class and so
its_______are used to create
Subclasses (b)Superclasses (c)Both (a) and (b) (d)None of these.
Q.49 The AWT classes can be roughly categorized into
the following groups:
component (b)Layouts
(c) Graphics
tools (d)All of these
Q.50 Window is used for________windows.
(a)Creating (b) Handling
Modifying (d) Both (a) and (b)
Q.51 The_______interface is used to handle the menu
ContainerListener (b) FocusListener
ActionListener (d) WindowListner
Q.52 The constructor that is defined by the Text
Event class is:
(a) TextEvenet(Object
source, int event_type )
(b) textevent
(Object source, int event_type )
(c) textevent
(object Source, float event_type)
(d) textevent
(Object source, string event_type)
Q.53 The name of the event classes are:
(a) ActionEvent,
(b) ContainerEvent,
(c) ItemEvevt,
(d) All
of these
Q.54 Java packages such as_____ support the Event
handling mechanism.
Java.util (b) Java.awt
Java.awt.event (d) All of these
Q. 55 An event is generated when the internal state
of the event source is_____
(a) Not
changed (b) Changed
(c) Either
changed or not (d) None of these.
Q. 56 The_____ interface handles list events:
ContainerListener (b) ItemListener
FocusListener (d) ActionListener
Q. 57 Which of the following are true?
(a) The
event-inheritance model has replaced the event- delegation model.
(b) The
event-inheritance model is more efficient than the event-delegation model.
(c) The
Event Delegation Model uses event listeners to define the methods of event
Handling classes
(d) The
event delegation model uses handleEvent() method to support event handling.
Q. 58 Which of
the following is the highest class in the event- delegation model ?
(a) java.util.EventListener
(b) java.util.EventObject
(c) java.awt.A
(d) java.awt.event.A
Q. 59 When two or more objects are added as.
listeners for the same event, which
listener is first invoked to handle the event?
(a) The
first object that was added as listener.
(b) The
last object that was added as listener.
(c) There is no way to determine which listener will be invoked first.
(d) It is
impossible to have more than one listener for a given event.
Q. 60 Which ofthe following are true?
(a) A
TextField object may generate an ActionEvent.
(b) A
Button object may generate an ActionEvent.
(c) A
MenuItem object may generate an ActionEvent.
(d) All
of above
Q. 61 Which of
the following are true?
(a) The
MouseListener interface defines methods for handling mouse clicks.
(b) The
MouseMotionListener interface defines methods for handling mouse clicks.
(c) The
ActionListener interface defines methods for
handling the clicking of a button.
(d) Option
(a) and (c)
Q. 62 Suppose
that you want to have an object "eh" to handle the TextEvent of a TextArea object. How
should you add eh as the event handler
to it ?
t.addTextListener(eh); (b)
addTextListener(eh.t); (d)
Q. 63 What is the preferred way to handle an object's
events in Java 2?
(a) Override the
object's handleEvent( ) method.
(b) Add one or
more event listeners to handle the events.
(c) Have the object override its processEvent() methods
(d) Have the object override its
dispatchEvent() methods.
Q. 64 Which of
the following are true?
(a) A
component may handle its own events by adding itself as an event listener.
(b) A
component may handle its own events by overriding its event-dispatching method.
(c) A
component may not handle its own events.
(d) Option
(a) and (b)
Q. 65 The
event delegation model, introduced in release 1.1 ofthe JDK, is fully compatible with the event
(a) True
(b) False
Q. 66 A component subclass that has executed
enableEvents( ) to enable processing of
a certain kind of event cannot also use an adapter as a listener for the same
kind of event.
(a) True (b) False
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