Assignment Operators in Python

Assignment Operators

These operators are useful when assigning values to variables:

Operators         Function

assigns the value of the right operand to the left operand

adds the value of the right and left operand and assigns the
+= add and
total to the left operand

-= subtract
deducts the value of the right operand from the value of the
left operand and assigns the new value to the left operand

*= multiply
multiplies the left and right operand and assigns the product
to the left operand

/= divide
divides the left operand with the value of the right operand
and assigns the quotient to the left operand

performs exponential operation on the left operand and
assigns the result to the left operand

//= floor
performs floor division on the left operand and assigns the
division and
result to the left operand

= Operator

You have seen this operator at work in previous chapters when you have assigned different values to variables. Examples:

a = c

a = b + c

a = 8

a = 8 + 6

s = “I love Python.”

+= add and

The ‘add and’ (+=) operator is simply another way to express x = x + a so that you’ll end up with the statement x += a.

-= subtract and

The ‘subtract and’ (-=) operator is equivalent to the expression x = x – a and is expressed with the statement x-=a

*= multiply and

The ‘multiply and’ (*=) operator is the equivalent of the statement x = x * a and is expressed with x*=a.

/= divide and

The ‘divide and’ (/=) operator is like saying x = x/a and is expressed with the statement x/=a.

%= modulus and

The ‘modulus and’ (%=) operator is another way to say x = x % a where you’ll end up instead with the expression x%=a.

//= floor division and

The ‘floor division and’ is equivalent to the expression x = x//a and takes the form x//=a.
