22319--Sample-question-paper--Data-Base-Management-System I scheme Computer 3rd Semester Computer Group
Q.1) Attempt any
FIVE of the following.
10 Marks
a) List
any four applications of DBMS.
b) State
the four database users.
c) Define
normalization. Enlist its type.
d) Enlist
DDL and DML commands.
e) Define the following
i) Primary Key
ii) Foreign Key
f) Enlist
four aggregate functions.
g) Draw
PL/SQL block structure.
Q.2) Attempt any
THREE of the following.
12 Marks
a) Write
and explain syntax for creating procedure.
b) Explain
aggregate function with syntax and example.
c) Explain
grant and revoke command with syntax and example.
d) Distinguish
any four points between network model and hierarchical model.
Q.3) Attempt any THREE of the
12 Marks
a) Explain
create and rename command with syntax and example.
Write and explain the syntax for creating and
dropping synonyms with an example.
c) Explain
predefined and user defined exception handling with the help of example.
d) Explain
ACID properties of transaction.
Q.4) Attempt any THREE of the following.
a) List and explain DCL commands
b) Write
and explain syntax for creating function.
c) Explain
steps of cursor implementation with syntax and example.
d) Explain
2NF with example.
e) Explain the four roles of database administrator.
12 Marks
Q.5) Attempt any TWO
of the following.
12 Marks
a) Draw ER diagram for Hospital Management System
Identify Primary Key and Foreign Key.
b) Normalize database
b_title) upto 3NF
c) Write SQL query for following consider table
EMP(empno , deptno, ename
,salary, Designation, joiningdate, DOB,city)
- i) Display names of employees whose experience is more than 10 years
- ii) Display age of employees
- iii) Display average salary of all employee
- iv) Display name of employee who earned highest salary
Q.6) Attempt any TWO of the
following. 12
a) Create table
EMP( empno , deptno, ename ,salary, Designation,
joiningdate, DOB,city).
- i) Insert one row into the table
- ii) Save the data
- iii) Insert second row into the table i
- v) Undo the insertion of second row v) Insert two rows into the table
- vi) Create Savepoint s1
- vii) Insert one row into the table
- viii) Undo upto savepoint s1
b) Write
a PL/SQL program to check whether specified employee is present in EMP table or
not. Accept empno from user. If employee does not exist display message using
exception handling.
c) Write
SQL query for following consider table
EMP(empno , deptno, ename
,salary, Designation, joiningdate, DOB,city)
- i) Display employees name and number in an increasing order of salary
- ii) Display employee name and employee number dept wise
- iii) Display total salary of all employee
- iv) Display number of employees dept wise
- v) Display employee name having experience more than 3 years
- vi) Display employee name staring with “S” and working in deptno 1002
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