22412 -sample-question-paper- Java Programming I Scheme 4th Semester Computer

Q.1) Attempt any FIVE of the following.                                      
a)     Give syntax and example of following math functions.
i)              sqrt () 
ii)             pow ()
b)     Enlist access specifiers in Java.
c)     Name the methods from wrapper class for following task 
i)              To convert string objects to primitive int. ii)           To convert integer object to string object.
d)     State the use of static keyword 
e)     Enlist any 4 keywords used for exception handling in Java.
f)      Give syntax of <param> tag to pass parameters to an Applet.
g)     Give any two methods from File class with their usage.

10 Marks
Q.2) Attempt any THREE of the following.                                  

12 Marks

a)      Write a program to find largest between two numbers using ‘?:’ operator.
b)     Define class Student with suitable data members create two objects using two different constructors of the class.
c)      Describe life cycle of thread with suitable diagram.
d)     Write a program to copy content of one file into another file.

Q.3) Attempt any THREE of the following.                                                           12 Marks
a)   Write a program to divide any positive even integer by 2 using bitwise shift operator.
b)  State need of interface with suitable examples.
c)   Give usage of following methods :
i)               drawOval()  
ii)              getFont()  
iii)            drawArc()  
iv)            getFamily()
d) Enlist types of stream classes and describe methods for reading and writing data for each type.

Q.4) Attempt any THREE of the following.                                                           12 Marks
a)   Describe types of variables in Java with their scope.
b)  Write a program to initialize object of a class student using parameterized constructor.
c)   Write a program to create package Math_s having two classes as addition and subtraction. Use suitable methods in each class to perform basic operations.
d)  Differentiate between Java Application and Java Applet (any 4 points)
e)   Write a program to count number of words from a text file using stream classes.

Q.5) Attempt any TWO of the following.                                                               12 Marks
a)      Write a step to declare and define two and three dimensional arrays of a class.
b)     Implement following inheritance:

Display details of devices from loadOS() method of class Mobile.
c)      Write a program to define two threads for displaying even and odd numbers respectively with a delay of 500 ms after each number.

Q.6) Attempt any TWO of the following.                                                               12 Marks
a)      Write a program to define class Employee with members as id and salary. Accept data for five employees and display details of employees getting highest salary. 
b)     Describe types of Errors and Exceptions in details.
c)      Design an Applet to pass username and password as parameters and check if password contains more than 8 characters.
