Keywords in JAVA Programming Language:
Catchphrases or Reserved words are the words in a dialect that are utilized for some inside procedure or speak to some predefined activities. These words are in this way not permitted to use as a variable names or questions. Doing this will result into an aggregate time blunder.
Java likewise contains a rundown of saved words or watchwords. These are:
abstract | assert | boolean | break |
byte | case | catch | char |
class | const | continue | default |
do | double | else | enum |
extends | final | finally | float |
for | goto | if | implements |
import | instanceof | int | interface |
long | native | new | package |
private | protected | public | return |
short | static | strictfp | super |
switch | synchronized | this | throw |
throws | transient | try | void |
volatile | while | true | false |
null |
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